By law all rated cables have these codes stamped on the outer jacket. In commercial applications, if you are running cable between floors it must be CMR or CMP. If you are running cable through an air return it must be CMP.
PowerBridge hides the ugly cords that connect to your TV from your devices like your cable box, DVD player or game system and provides electrical power connection for the TV safely and easily and out of reach from small children and pets. In-wall video and data cabling should be CL2 or C元, in-wall speaker cabling should be C元.
PowerBridge has been engineered to meet National Electric Code and meets strict UL product safety testing standards. 2/3 of TV and furniture tip-over fatalities involve toddlers.On average, one child dies every two weeks when a TV or furniture falls onto him or her.

That is 10 times more powerful than being hit by a NFL lineman. A TV can fall with the force of thousands of pounds.We’ll start at our highest opening on the wall and push the cable down through the stud bay to the hole that will house our new electrical box. TV Wall Hook-up (Part 1) At this point we’ll pull the cables through the holes in the drywall we just created. As the statistics below show, tipping TVs are a big problem. We’ll premeasure the 12/2 cable so we can see how far we need to feed it down the wall. With their tall, thin structure, flat-panel TVs are very susceptible to tipping over, which can cause property damage, personal injury or even death. When you decide where to place the holes in. Thread your cables through the tube and out the bottom hole and connect to the back of the TV on the wall and cable box/DVR below. This is where you plug in the TV, the rest of the cords go through the tube. Wall mounting your TV with in wall cord management, risks can be reduced substantially, according to the website Use the screws that come with the kit to secure the outlet to the wall behind the TV.

Having a flatscreen TV on a stand or furniture can be a danger to children and pets who might act in a manor that could cause an unsecured heavy TV to tip and fall.